dimarts, d’octubre 10, 2006

thanks JKR

i think each of us fans of Harry Potter owe a great deal of gratitude to JKR. She has helped us believe again, dream again, she has helped to our creativity, and that is to say something. Creativity...now i have it. Before HP i did not know what was having it. So..can i say i'm more intelligent now?

But think what Harry Potter does. The books make the kids turn off the TV and video games...for a book!! They like reading. It is fun again! And then, they want to write too. I can't thing myself being younger and turning the tv off just for a book. it couldn't have happened. no way.

The best thing about the books is that it appeals to all ages. Harry Potter is not merely a children's book. teens and adults read the series because they read the first, and were astonished on how they liked them. By now, there's more teen an adults who loves Harry Potter than children. That is another reason i like them: Harry Potter is growing up with me. Almost everyone has a place in his or her heart for Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of our favorites at Hogwarts. Everyone should have then in their hearts, they all make us do love literature again.

I always loved reading. And now i can't explain why these books keep me so hooked: thanks, JKR

all of you who read this and keep saying i'm a bit mad, i'm sorry for you. Try to read them and then we'll talk.

6 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

*sigh* thanks JKR. you're my queen!

she is our queen

weasley is our king!

Nylonathathep ha dit...

Vaaaale vaaaale! Frena una mica! No se que es el que estas prenent, pero espero que en tinguis per tothom xDDDDD

Sembles el Sitges amb Nintendo ya xD

eva potter ha dit...

jajjajajaj va callaaaaa xDDDDDDD

Anònim ha dit...

mmmmm XDDD ademas en ingles....q mi ingles es de cuanca, y nomentero de na XD bueno de algo si, pero hay muchas cosas que no...jopeta

eva potter ha dit...

josjos en realitat li dono ls gracies a la JKR per haver despertat (o creat) en molta gent coses tan bunikes com la imaginacio...xDDDD vale callo k sino el llopis m diu coses lletges xD

i lo dl Sitges am la Nintendo es pitjor xDD

BeaKManiak ha dit...

eeeeeh... deixeu-me en pau!


i a la gran N també! :D