dilluns, de setembre 11, 2006

Baddest Baddie

Lord Voldemort (Voldie para los amigos!) va ser votat el malo malísimo en una enquesta que va fer Bloomsbury per averiguar el villà preferit de la literatura infantil. (Baddest Baddie in the BigBadRead)

JKR diu:

I am thrilled and honoured beyond words that Lord Voldemort has been voted best villain in the Big Bad Read poll. I am not sure how he would react to knowing that he had won a Muggles' unpopularity poll. A mixture of pleasure that you recognised his power and menace, coupled with fury at your nerve at mentioning his real name, I think. His author, however, is absolutely delighted.

I am sorry not to be there in person to join your celebration of literary evil, but Lord Voldemort requires my constant presence at the moment, as his Dark plans are unfolding in all their grisly glory. I hope those of you who voted for him in the Big Bad Read enjoy reading about him in book seven, where he finally gets the legroom for which he has been aching during all those years in exile.

I have always felt that cardboard baddies make weak heroes and that Harry deserved a really deluxe model, so I have done my best to make Lord Voldemort a real person, red eyed and snakelike though he might be. He, of course, is one of the reasons the Harry Potter books are often banned, but I remain of the firm belief that we need our imaginary villains, the better to brace ourselves for the ones we need to fight in reality.

Voldemort heads an extremely distinguished list, and I shall enjoy picturing him at the head of the table, while Sauron [#2], Lex Luther [#4] and Mrs. Coulter [#3, from His Dark Materials] glower at him, awaiting their chance to topple him. In the meantime, thank you again, on his behalf and mine, for the great honour.

Per allà el Top Ten dels malos xD hi havia el Joker (Batman), Dracula, Sauron (al numero 2, del Senyor dls Anells), Lex Luthor (Superman)...i molts més. Però obviament Lord Voldemort guanya!! jijiji encara que no se k dirte...no se si hagues votat l'Snape abans...no k no es aigua clara!

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

ostia ke wapo no?? ajajaja aaaaaaai eveta eveta no canviaràs, fas una pàgina que al principi sembla anar encaminada a ser un blog normal i de cop PAM "i am a harry potter freak"! xD he de dir que aixo m'ha arribat fons. Realment si no vas fer tu aquest GIF, va ser algu k et coneixia (no cal aprofundir mol)

i siiiiiiiiiii VOLDIE THE BADDEST BADDIE!!! XDDDDD ke bona realment te rao es el preferit de tots! juas

keeeeeeet pensaves ke no tescriuria mai de la vida ooiii? donc smiraaa EL rainer ha deixat marca!


Anònim ha dit...

aleluyaaa puc scriure akii! i wenu ho faig a sota del burro aket ... si! soc l'ainhoaaaa! un peto reina

ke be k sigui el mas malo de todos el voldemort...pero per mi es la bellatrix