m'en moria de ganes i ho sabeu :P és només un trosset, ja seguiré. Necessito opinions.
We are going to discuss about Snape: good or evil? After all, he did kill Dumbledore! So Snape is evil, case closed. Nothing more to say about that. We have know Snape for 6 years, and we (at least me) couldn’t imagine he was a Death Eater! But is Snape really a Death Eater? Or is in Dumbledore’s side? And what if he is on nobody’s side but on his own?
In OotP Dumbledore told Harry about the Prophecy, about how and when was it made. We are told the profecy was made by Trelawney during an interview with Dumbledore (she was applying to a job at Hogwarts). We are told to that someone heard the first part of the prophecy, but was discovered by Aberforth, Dumbledore’s brother, and couldn’t heard the 2nd part…He (that Someone, the Eaversdropper, we could say) run to Voldemort and told him all he had heard. Voldemort then went after the Potters. So the eaversdropper is responsible for Voldemort killing Lily and James. We hate that eaversdropper.
From PoA we know that when Trelawney delivers a true Prophecy she goes into a trance-like state, and afterwards she doesn’t remember any of it. In the Pensieve we saw Trelawney delivering the prophecy in one go! So she couldn’t had been stopped by Snape and Aberforth and after that returning to explain the rest of the prophecy…
That is to say the eaversdropper didn’t heard the first part but the entire prophecy. And told Voldemort only the first part of it.
But to Harry’s (and everyone’s) surprise, in book 6, Trelawney told Harry that she had just been feeling a little funny when Snape and Aberforth burst into the room, Aberforth claiming Snape had been eaversdropping the interview. That happenned nearly 16 years ago.
That means Snape is the eaversdropper. He heard the entire prophecy, and speak to Voldemort the first part only. Snape is responsible for Lily and James’ deaths. And the most important of all…Dumbledore lied Harry telling him they were the only two people who knew the full profecy! WHY?
Don't think i'm confusing scenes and plots...go back in time, please, return to the early books...and what we get from it:
1. in OotP, Umbridge interview --> Trelawney claimed to have been a teacher at Hogwarts for nearly 16 years. This is sometime in 1995, and the interview with Dumbledore in 1979 or 1980. (1995-16=1979 wow!) Dumbledore told Harry that his interview with Trelawney took place on a cold and stormy night. The profecy was made 7-8 months before Harry's birth.
2. what Snape said --> he told Umbridge he had been a teacher for 14 years in OotP, he then should have started at Hogwarts in 1981, two months after the Dark Lord's fell. So Dumbledore trusted Snape AFTER Lily and James death, that is what Dumbledore told Harry: that he trusted Snape when he came to him very sad of Lily and James' death, and feeling guilty for that, as he was who revealed the profecy to Voldemort.
But in HBP he told Bellatrix that he went to Hogwarts on Voldemort's orders, and that he was in Hogwarts when the Dark Lord fell. Snape told Bellatrix that when Voldemort returned, he had sixteen years (16!!! not 14) worth of information on Dumbledore to give him. Voldemort came back in June 1995. That would put us in June 1979, somewhere around the time of Trelawney’s prophecy. Don't get a clue of what really happened, guys...