diumenge, d’abril 22, 2007

dilluns, d’abril 16, 2007

The Pretenders


la kanso k avui ma marcat mol xD (sense cap rao especial, la kanso, k mola un uevo XD)

diumenge, d’abril 15, 2007

why dumbledore didn't die - 1

I have thought too many times this theory that now I can’t help believing it. Call me crazy but not before reading this.

While I was reading the 6th book I already knew someone would die, someone who would be too important to Harry. I didn’t think about him being Ron or Hermione but Hagrid or Dobby; never Dumbledore, because without him, Harry is lost.

When I ended the book I cried, yes, I cried. I was feeling it so much! And then I ended up thinking and writing a theory. Now, if you are so kind please keep reading...I’ll tell you what really happened at HBP...well, what could have happened and was not. You understand the circumstances that made me imagine that theory, do you? After Dumbledore's death...I was SO sad...it could not have happened!! Dumbledore COULD NOT BE DEAD! What would Harry do after this?? Dear Dumbledore, this theory is for you.

The Death Scene: Harry and Dumbledore are on the Astronomy Tower having returned from retrieving the false Horcrux. Dumbledore is so weakened he can’t stand up himself but hits Harry with a total body bind so he, under the Invisibility Cloak, can’t interfere with whatever is going to happen. Then Draco comes in and has a long conversation with Dumbledore about him and his murder plans. Snape arrives and does the Avada Kedavra on Dumbledore, who falls over the tower. Dead.

There something wrong with this: Fawkes. Where is he? Really, in CoS Harry just needed say something loyal to Dumbledore and Fawkes was there. But Dumbledore is in mortal peril…where is Fawkes when is most needed??

----to be continued---- (he d'anar a dinar)

dimarts, d’abril 03, 2007

The world needs them

and their time has come!

Si hasta ahora todos pensabais que este blog iba a basarse en el mundo de Harry Potter, y sólo en él, os equivocáis. He encontrado una nueva pasión: Héroes. Es una serie que de momento sólo emite el canal Sci-Fi i algunas televisiones autonómicas, por lo que no es muy conocida, pero dentro de poco dominará el mundooooo! (jojojo, como Harry Potter) Y es que desde Expediente X no haía visto una serie de fenómenos paranormales que me gustara tanto :O

Os voy a resumir un poco de qué va: un científico indio descubre, al morir su padre, que éste había descubierto que en el mundo existen personas con poderes extraordinarios. En Japón, un japonés algo friki cree poder cambiar el tiempo y el espacio. Una stripper de Las Vegas tiene personalidad doble. Un policía es capaz de oír los pensamientos de la gente. Un pintor heroinómano puede pintar el futuro. Dos hermanos pueden volar. Y una animadora de instituto es indestructible! El mundo los necesita, y ha llegado su momento!

Y estareis pensando: pues menuda mierda. Igual que los 4 fantásticos. Pero no!!! Es distinto! Para acabar, un video:

y dentro de poco...en tv3!